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Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot now my main operating on Desktop PC

Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot is now my main operating system which I mainly use on my desktop computer with a 1.86 GHz Intel Core2Dou CPU, 1GB of DDR2 RAM, onboard video, and a 320GB SATA2 hard drive. My computer is a HP a1720n Desktop computer which I got in 2007.

The main reason I start using Ubuntu 11.10 as my main operating system is because it starts minutes faster then Windows 7, and suffer from less slow downs caused by 3rd-Party software like Anti-virus, firewall, and other programs which run in the background when I use Windows. I also like that Ubuntu Linux is more secure because the software from the Ubuntu Software Center is virus-free, and safe to use since it gets updated automatically with the Ubuntu Update Manager.

Ubuntu uses the same user interface objects like icons, links, close, minimize, and maximize/restore features found in most graphical user interfaces based operating system like Windows, or Mac.

I have been actively using Ubuntu as my main operating system on a daily basis for a year or more, and love it since the desktop does not freeze as often as Windows, and programs seem a lot more stable by not crashing, or freezing much.

I can do all the things I regular do in Windows like Web browsing, blogging, word processing, e-mail, chat, video chat,listening to music, watching video files including online flash video, recording audio, gaming, and light video editing within Ubuntu with the bundled software, or searching the Ubuntu Software Center to search, and install for programs.

Now, I only mostly use Windows for recording TV shows with my TV tuner program which is WinTV since I can’t figure out how to record video with MythTV which is a Linux compatible TV channel recorder.

The Unity user interface is nice with the smooth animation, left sidebar dock, and search menu on the top left to search for programs to use and install, or to search for files and folders on my computer drives.

Attaching and removing external USB drives, and reading and burning CD + DVD to Ubuntu is also easy.

Keeping Ubuntu and all its software in Ubuntu 11.10 updated is very easy since by default Ubuntu 11.10 is autoupdating, or you can manually check for updates with Ubuntu Update program very easy.

Lastly, the fast shutdown, sleep, hibernate, and logoff speeds for Ubuntu 11.10 is also very great since it saves me time when closing my computer.

If you want a faster user interface for Ubuntu instead of the LXDE user interface, I recommend the LXDE, or XFCE user interface which you can install with Ubuntu Software Center, or just install Lubuntu (LXDE Ubuntu) or Xubuntu (XFCE +Ubuntu) on your computer instead of Ubuntu on your computer.

I highly recommend Ubuntu 11.10 if you are looking for an Alternative operating system from Windows, Mac, or other OSes.

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