I forgot to reupload the old modified htacess file which was causing my backend of my website to get HTTP 500 errors. It took me a while to figure out. Aside from my htacess forgetfulness, drupal was pretty easy to upgrade.
1. Back up my website and website database.
2. Download the Drupal installer and unzip it to my computer.
3.Disable all modules and put site in offline mode 3. Delete all files on my Drupal directory folder.
4. Put all the files I extracted to the Drupal directory on my ftp server.
5. run example.com/update.php “example.com is your domain” Login as administrator user 1.
6. re-enable or install themes and modules in Drupals back-end.
7. double check all my content and appearance of my site.
This video helped a lot. Good job Rob! Thanks